Attended a CIO conference recently and one of the keynote speakers used the Peanut Butter Cheerios #HowToDad commercial to highlight leadership. Honestly, I’ve never tried Peanut Butter Cheerios but can totally appreciate how awesome this commercial is. Not in highlighting a product but how awesome dads are and that they do matter in today’s society despite a major de-emphasis on the role.
Here’s a bit of the background story of the commercial from the creators website.
Created by Tribal Worldwide Toronto, the socially-driven campaign features an upbeat online video that celebrates the insight that dads parent differently, and places Peanut Butter Cheerios at the heart of all the zany, funny and epic situations that kids get themselves into under dad’s watch. The video then drives viewers to for bite-sized sharable content that resonates with dads. Four 15-second preroll spots, widespread display advertising and targeted promoted social posts round out the program, which is all unified under the #HowToDad tagline. “It just made sense to declare Peanut Butter Cheerios as ‘The Official Cereal of Dadhood,’ because like great dads, Peanut Butter Cheerios lie somewhere in the intersection of awesome and responsible,” says Josh Stein, creative director, Tribal Worldwide – Toronto. “Dads are awesome and it’s awesome to be a dad. The new campaign creatively acknowledges that today, dads play a significant role in raising children, and celebrate their contribution.i
At Heartstone Journey, we know more and more dads are stepping up and experiencing the satisfaction and reward of taking a more active role in the lives of our kids…and dads should be celebrated! I love this commercial because if really does a great job at portraying the reality of life of a dad and family. I also want to give a huge shout out to Tribal Worldwide because they didn’t pick the idiot dad stereotype or the passive dad routine to be “funny”…they picked an authentic dad!
This commercial shows the simple ways dads are awesome and is a reminder that dads do matter and they have an impact on the relationships with their kids. Before reading on, click play, watch the commercial and you’ll see why the campaign is awesome.
Here are 8 ways on “how to dad” seen in the commercial (not in any order):
1) Be A Role Model
A significant area of impact a dad can have on his kids is being a role model. In a society where kids are turning to other sources, such as super heroes or sports figures, a dad who steps up has a real opportunity to be a real hero in this space. Whether you “dad” or not, a dad is a role model to his child, whether he realizes it or not. Are you your son’s first hero? Are you your daughter’s first love? No? …why not? A daughter who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by men, and what to look for in a husband. A dad can teach his son what is important in life by demonstrating integrity, courage, accountability, honor, humility, and responsibility. Here are great examples of how to be a dad that creates impact.
2) Listen First, Talk Second
Stephen R. Covey shares that most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. Ouch! Dads, take the time and really listen to your kid’s ideas, fears, problems, fill in the blank ________. When we pause and listen to our kids it helps them feel respected and understood.
3) Be a Teacher
Sadly, most of the teaching happens in our eroding education system and not at home. A father who is intentional about teaching his kids about right and wrong, and one who encourages them, will see his kids will learn to make better choices in life. An involved dad can leverage everyday examples to help his kids learn important life lessons. Guys just consider the vital knowledge have that you can pass onto your kids. How about in the commercial when the dad adjusts his son’s cap and says, “Suggestion – that’s a boy [sliding son’s hat to the side], that’s a man [sliding son’s hat forward-facing]!” Validate them and remember guys…your DAUGHTERS need you just as much as your son’s do, so man up!
4) Show Affection
It’s important for a dad to model that balance between being a warrior and showing compassion. Sensitive but not a pushover. Your kids need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted, and deeply loved. Show your kids how much you love them; say it often and get comfortable hugging them. Don’t forget about high fives, fist bumps and next level handshakes. The commercial points out, “They (kids) look at us the same way they do superhero’s…up…because we’re taller.”
5) Discipline With Love
All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to teach them healthy boundaries. Take the time to help your kids understand the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful encouragement for appropriate behavior. When a rule is broken we are the enforcement and when a heart is broken we are re-enforcement.
A dad who disciplines in a calm and fair manner demonstrates in real time that he loves his kids. Said another way from the commercial: an awesome dad knows how and when to discipline, “because being awesome isn’t about breaking rules — it’s about making them.”
6) Spend Time With Your Kids
How a dad spends his time speaks volumes to his kids regarding what’s important to him. Are your kids important to you? If you’re always busy with other stuff or working late all the time, your kids will be impacted…not a good way. Guys, loving your kids means sacrificing other things and it’s vital to spend time with them. It might means doing things out of your comfort zone or things that you aren’t that interested in but your kids are. There are unforgettable moments being a dad, like when when your kid walks for the first time, calls you “daddy” for the first time or “takes the stage” (sports, dance, play, etc.) and gives a performance so awesome you cannot believe they are yours — moments that make life worth living. Guys, these moments are the stuff we were put on this Earth to experience. Don’t miss these moments!
Kids grow up quickly and missed opportunities are exactly that — missed. From the commercial, a dad never says no to dress up and a dad builds the best forts!
7) Respect Your Kids Mother
Did you notice in the commercial when the dad grabs the coffee and passes it to his wife? He says, “Hot stuff coming through…the wife and the coffee.” One of the best things you can do for your kids is to love and respect their mom.
If you’re a single dad (or divorced), respecting your kid’s mother is still a good idea. When a child sees parents respecting each other, they are more likely to feel accepted and respected…so man up and show respect!
8) Your Job Is Never Done
Even after your kids grow up, perhaps finish college and leave home, they will still look to you for wisdom and advice. Your kids might continue their education, have financial questions, get a new job, plan a wedding, fill in the blank ________ and you will continue to play an important part in their lives. Work hard, be a compass, leave a legacy and dad hard!

Being a dad is AWESOME…how do you Dad?
Images: Easter Hay Ride/Young Men. Copyright Tim Young, Heartstjone Journey. Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
i Tribal Worldwide (July 21st, 2014). Introducing Peanut Butter Cheerios: The Official Cereal of Dadhood. Retreived from: