Have you noticed that the demand for superhero movies is on the rise?
What if I told you that there is a “super hero” in real life. What if I told you he’s called a Dad.
Not just any dad. I am talking about a dad who hopefully stays married to his wife (I blew this one) and raises his children to follow God and to be responsible – a dad who is a Godly role model and leader in the home.
Even if you blew it…now is the time to man up, because our kids need us more than ever. Our kids need a man of God in their lives, a role model, a mentor, someone to say “I’m proud of you”, someone to have their back, someone to fight for their hearts, someone to affirm them and someone to show them the love of Christ. Not just anyone…they need their dad!
- Be proud to be a dad.
- Love your kids no matter what!
- Teach them good things.
- Raise them right.
- Educate them.
- Always stand by them.
- Hug and kiss them every chance you get.
- Keep them safe and near.
- Be present for them.
- Never fail them as a dad.
What else would you add to the list?
As a dad, being a dad is one of the big topics here on Heartstone Journey. I’ve had many successes and failures as a dad and here are some of those stories.
What successes and failures can you share as a dad?
Image credit: Avengers. © Marvel Studios.
List adapted from: Man Up Gods Way. (2014). Facebook post.