One clear and peaceful Autumn morning on my way to work I stopped at the final red light before turning into the parking lot. Tapping my fingers on the steering wheel I looked at the car beside me as my scattered thoughts swirled around in my head sorting out the velocity of life. Then out of the corner of my eye I catch the scene of falling leaves. I watched one by one as each leaf swirled to the ground as life happened in the backdrop. I tell you, I got caught up and lost in this scene…unplugging from the business of life for a moment.
Things End, But Memories Last Forever!
Its tough losing the ones we love, isn’t it?
I lost my mom back in 2008 and I continue to thank the Lord for her. I know that she is in an amazing place and I can’t even begin to imagine what her eyes are seeing right now….but yeah, “I miss my mom!” It’s not the same without her.
Here are some words I spoke of her during her funeral.
But By His Grace
Not understanding the real motive or what’s in the heart, I would only challenge us to have the courage to leave some room for God to move in people. I wonder how the story of the ‘woman caught in adultery’ would have ended if Jesus didn’t bring grace into her circumstance?
Finding Life!
What is wrong with us? For some reason we choose to journey through life on our own, without the Lord, and bounce from one sin or train wreck to another looking for that escape from the turbulence of life. Maybe this turbulence involves a relationship, a divorce, an affair, loss of a child, pride, lust, nonforgiveness or even religion; maybe its alcoholism, a drug addiction, depression, an eating disorder, or a chronic illness where a cure seems hopeless. Whatever is at the center of your turbulence, be assured you are not alone. We must come to an understanding that no matter how desperate our circumstances are we can find our answers and our hope in Jesus. Jesus healed the paralytic despite his obvious doubt and despite the fact that he didn’t even know who Jesus was. I don’t know what you are going through or why. I don’t know the plans God has for you, but reach out to Him.
The Best of 2012
Here are the top three best Heartstone Journey posts by category for 2012. It is always pretty cool to see which posts resonated with people the most throughout the year. I want to personally thank you for being a part of the Heartstone Journey community. I believe these posts can impact the world, one person at a time and you are a part of that movement. I look forward to an awesome 2013!