Followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to live a life that actively demonstrates to others the worth of the gospel. If the Lion of Judah is running before you, let your life be a billboard for how valuable the gospel is and show that the effect it will have on the life of those who believe it is — fearlessness. Philippians 1:27–28 tells us to; “lead a life worthy of the gospel so that when I come I may find that you stand firm, unafraid of any of your opponents.” One of the ways that our lives can demonstrate the worth of the gospel is when the gospel makes “us walk as lions” — courageous and unafraid.
The righteous are the ones who trust in the Lord — the ones who have faith and place their hope on the mercy, power and wisdom of God. These are the ones who are free from fear. These are the ones whose hearts no longer condemn them (1 John 3:21). These are the ones that are right with God, because of His grace and not because of their merit. And their boldness with God (and with men) demonstrates the worth and the value of the gospel (Hebrews 4:2, 6).
Here’s a song from Skillet’s album ‘Unleashed’ to encourage you…righteous warriors of God!