Moral authority is the credibility you earn by walking your talk.
Why We All Need A John Sculley In Our Lives
I was watching the movie Jobs, the biopic of Apple’s founder Steve Jobs and one scene in particular really hit me. The scene where current CEO John Sculley , Mike Markkula and the rest of the board went around the table deciding the fate of Steve Jobs with a show of hands. The scene pauses at Mike Markulla’s turn to see if he would support Jobs. You could see the betrayal in eyes of Jobs as each board member including Mike Markulla sides with Sculley which results in Jobs removal from the Macintosh project and demotion. Ouch!
Does this scene sound familiar? Ever been in this place?
What The Gospel Isn’t!
Sadly, this is how many view the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Check out this segment of the Wall Street Journal article called “Prophets, Not Profits!” Jesus was not a capitalist. When he turned water into wine, he did not open a liquor store. When he multiplied loaves and fishes, he did not establish Wal-Mart. When he miraculously healed the sick, he did not bill Medicare or start an HMO. Somehow, profiting richly from the sick and infirm was considered unjust back in those days.
This is the true gospel – that God is relentlessly pursuing us with his love. This is why God stepped into human history as a man. That’s why Jesus is God Himself who walked among us, because in matters of love you have to go yourself! Jesus came to us, engaged us, and pursued us. He bled for all mankind sacrificing Himself to set us free, to set the record straight and to pave the way for relationship with God Himself – because He loves us that much!
What distortions of the gospel have you experienced?
Why Is Integrity So Important?
What values do you want to pass on to your children? How well does your life reflect your core values?
Websters dictionary defines integrity as:
1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2. an unimpaired condition : soundness
3. the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness