For most, our lives look great on the outside but are a complete mess on the inside. As we walk life out, we become really really good at hiding the mess of who we really are. You know, that big house, fancy car, designer clothes, that vacation house, fill in the blank ______. Not saying that all stuff is necessarily bad, but in the process of hiding behind all this stuff we not only become slaves to it — we get buried by it.
Most of us have a messy life whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. The good news…you’re in good company, just throw a dart anywhere in the Bible and you will find someone with a messy life.
My dart landed in the story of Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax-collector and was only mentioned in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 19:1-9). Most of us remember the story of him climbing a Sycamore tree to get a glimpse of Jesus, but not so much as an example of a messy life.
So, why is Zacchaeus a great reminder of our messy lives? Let’s take a deeper dive and explore this a bit more.