There is much going on in the world today! I quickly did a brain dump of all the things that are floating around in the news sphere and here is that list…
We Are Living In The iGeneration!
Wanted to share some thoughts regarding a description of our time. With the constant exposure and consumption of information via the internet, social networking, social media, online gaming or TV (to name a few), the world has evolved into a place where many people are making up their own standards and using a sliding scale to define their principles.
Have you ever paused and discovered that it’s so easy to get lost in the counterfeit? …or realized that we live in a world where the counterfeit seems more real than the real?
Check out this conversation between Morpheus and Neo from the movie ‘The Matrix’.
Why Is Integrity So Important?
What values do you want to pass on to your children? How well does your life reflect your core values?
Websters dictionary defines integrity as:
1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2. an unimpaired condition : soundness
3. the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
Have We Commoditized Gossip?
Gossip is so unbelievably attractive and it tastes so good….hmmmm. Most of us deal in gossip all the time. “Have you heard what happened to …?”
Taking it up a notch, I would argue that we have ‘commoditized’ gossip. We have mass wide scale gossip that’s a billion dollar industry. Like our choice of magazines. While standing in the checkout aisle of the grocery store we flip through the pages of what the celebrities are doing. Ever notice that the celebrity magazines are sold right next to the candy? …get the connection?