We are on a collision course with the the demise of our culture as we know it because there is an epidemic of men checking out! Far too many men have no direction or vision in life, are becoming emasculated at an epidemic rate and are scared little boys that have never crossed over into authentic manhood. In today’s postmodern culture the meaning and image of true masculinity is seriously getting diluted, tainted, watered-down and completely lost. Unfortunately the narrative that’s being played out today is ‘boys in men’s bodies’ with only a few wanting to be men…but not exactly knowing how, while others remain nonchalant.
A common theme is that’s emerging is men and boys have become increasingly confused about their identity and role in today’s society. Fathers are not passing the mantle, media portrays men as incompetent, and society praises the “castration” of men. This subtle message has increasingly influenced the collective unconscious with devastating repercussions and young men have taken the bait of adverse societal cues as an excuse to avoid responsibility and never grow up!
For those young men who feel rudderless in today’s postmodern culture, here are some habits that will set you apart from the decaying norm and kick start your journey into authentic manhood.