From the beginning of time God has used stories. Passed on from person to person and generation to generation stories have inspired nations to trust and individuals to have hope.
We all have a story.
God’s word tells says in 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
How did you come to know Jesus Christ?
That is your testimony, and every Christian has one. Some stories be more radical than others, but every testimony is significant.
Everyone’s story is legit. Why? Because we all essentially start from the same place and we all experience dramatic change at the hand of God. And no matter how different their circumstances may be from yours, those who listen to your testimony can recognize that they too are sinners and need change—they can see a part of their story in yours.
I posted this question on Google+ and here are a couple of stories (un-edited) that people shared.
“Im a christian since a baby… and an activities in church since sunday school.. but meet him personally when i was 22yo.. He came to me in the community cell and touched me with the song that i will never forget “He Touched Me” and other Indonesian Song title “Kutak dapat jalan sendiri” {I couldn’t walk alone} That first meeting was made me fall in love to Him and I start my new life then by serving Him. God gave me some talents, like singing, playing keyboard and guitar, etc.. with those talents, I shared, teached, and served… I still keeping my faith till now, no one could separate me from His love, coz i already past many things was happened in my life that i couldnt tell here coz too many… The important one is He saved my life and He never leave me alone… Thanks for reading my little story, hope this bless you all. Love you all, friends…?” -val assa
“To make this short, I’ve “known” Jesus all my life, but didn’t really accept him internally until I was 20 years old. Even then, I didn’t really spend as much time as I should honoring him and learning from his word, but he was definitely with me… pulling me along and helping me in many ways, because he loves me. I had to learn many hundreds of lessons about trying to live life making my own decisions, rather than asking him how I should have proceeded for his will in my life. It wasn’t until I was about 46 years old that I felt I had messed up my life enough and it was time to turn it all over to him. What an amazing transformation since then, over the past 6 years… as I grew spiritually, emotionally and mentally in the process of living his way, rather than my way. Thankfully, I had no real drama or loss to speak of… not like some have experienced, but I have certainly witnessed several miracles of transformation and seen things that were, without a doubt, God’s handiwork in my life right before my eyes. I still have a great deal more learning of his ways and those lessons will be a day to day growth and series of experiences I look forward to with open arms, spirit and heart for Jesus in my life.?” -Joe Huguenard
So, what’s your story?