With all the headlines about young men being confused about their sexual identity or masculinity, I think it’s time for men of God to rise up and model out authentic manhood. If you haven’t figured it out, there is an exploding subculture that is built on a foundation of accepting people who feel they cannot fit into the mainstream. Today’s culture, instead of being shaped by Jesus Christ, is being shaped by; hashtags, celebrity personalities, music, politics, do whatever you want, fill in the blank ________ that’s proving attractive to young adults.
Seems like every person has specific experiences and reasons for how their sexuality has developed. I still affirm to Scripture’s blueprint, which maintains that sexual identity except that of a heterosexual male or female is outside of God’s original intention and plan for human sexuality. The attack on manhood is on a steep trajectory and the message is clear that masculinity is a cultural cancer, unless you’re a woman pretending to be a man.
Ok, so in a world so confused with identity where do we start?
Well lets level things a bit with this recent research from YouGov. The research reveals the scale of the generational shift in terms of how young people perceive their own masculinity, and to a lesser extent femininity. On a scale of 0-6, where 0 is completely masculine and 6 is completely feminine, only 2% of young men (aged 18-24) define themselves as totally masculine, compared to fully 56% of men over 65.

Although these results of from British men, 42% of American men view themselves as masculine compared to 28% of British men. The results are better on the manhood scale in the US, but it’s sad that it’s under 50%!
What’s going on here?!?!?
Well guys, for starters we need to start acting more like men and model it out in vivid clarity. Back in 2015, our men’s group went through the ‘Stepping Up Series’ and the one scripture that stood out to me as “that call for men” was 1 Corinthians 16:13-14; “Be watchful. Stand firm in the faith. Act like men. Be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
Seriously, what more could a guy ask for? Short, straight to the point and quick direct commands.
1) Be Watchful
We have to act like men, and the first part of that is to “be watchful.” The idea comes from back in the day when ancient cities were surrounded by walls. The men had the responsibility to keep the bad guys out and protect those behind the walls. Today: our wives, children and rest of the family can rest rest because they knew that you the watchman is alert and on the wall. It’s time for us to quit being so passive, and step up and do something! God help us to be watchful over our homes!
Stop working all the time, get off the phone, get off the couch, shut off your computer, stop tinkering in the garage; and act like a man! Your son needs you and yes, your daughter needs you. So be watchful men!
2) Stand Firm
We have to act like men by being firm in our faith and being servant leaders in our home. Become part of the fellowship of the unashamed. Step over the line and become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Don’t look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. This world and our families need men to armor up, stand firm in their faith and wave the banner of Jesus Christ no matter what comes at them! So stand firm men!
3) Be Strong
We have to act like men by being strong. Just to be clear, this is not a call to be macho or a lunk head. Its a call to be strengthened in your inner man, in your soul, in your character, in your integrity and in your fidelity to the truth of the Living God.
Guys remember that Jesus Christ is our strength (Philippians 4:13). Also, Jesus didn’t say, “Hey buddy, thanks for saving me. Now step aside and watch me go live an awesome life for you!” He’s inviting us to walk it out and live our lives in Him (Colossians 2:6). Yes, He is the only way to salvation but He is the strength to live out the Christian life.
Also, it’s vital to have a band of brothers to be accountable to. It’s not easy to find other men you can trust, have deep connections with (non-sexual), and can share personal stuff with on a regular basis…but if you don’t have a “band of brothers”, find them. Men don’t go into battle alone and neither should you!
4) Be Loving
Guys typically go extreme on the side of passivity or extreme on the other side as a macho lunk head. Yes we are to be strong, but we have to temper that with a loving heart. To be balanced, like our role model Jesus Christ.
Here’s a reality check men…It’s not about you! It’s about sacrificing. It’s about serving. Biblical leadership requires putting others before yourself and putting the needs of others before yours. It’s about living out love for others! Also, its not location specific — it applies to your home life, your business life and your personal life. It applies to ALL aspects of life!
The expression “act like men” is a call to maturity, it’s a call to conviction and it’s a call to be courageous in a world culture that is redefining authentic manhood. “Be watchful, stand firm, act like men, be strong AND let all that you do be done in love”. In these five powerful statements, is the call for men to lead our families and those around us to a foundational quality of masculine Godliness. It’s a call for men to be courageous and its a call for men to — act like men.
If more guys would heed this call, then maybe there won’t be so much confusion on what it means to be an authentic masculine man and perhaps research will later reveal much higher percentages of men who view themselves as masculine!
Guys…let’s start a bold movement of authentic manhood that leads men to live a Godly life of truth, passion and purpose! Want more? Check out my series called, Answering The Question, “Where Have All The Men Gone?”
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