“…for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” (Revelation 12:10-11)
Not trying to label followers of Jesus, but I have noticed two distinct camps. The folks in one camp enthusiastically shares or teaches Biblical knowledge to others and the folks in the other camp have a genuine testimony of what God has done and continues to do in their lives. The folks in the first camp are definitely genuine in their motive but are missing one essential ingredient to being effectively used by God – a testimony.
The power of testimony was prevalent in the early Church and during that time, people were able to give powerful testimony of events and experiences that could only be explained as a work of God. I didn’t know it at the time, but through the encouragement of one of my life mentors I filled up 6+ journals of my adventures/experiences during my divorce. I had no idea that someday these very scribbles would become a book.
God wants so much to build a testimony in each of every one of us, to tell the story of how a loving God walked it out with us. When others see His power reflected in our story, there is major heart impact because they cannot explain the power of that story. God desires to frame your life with experiences designed to reflect the character and nature of Christ. Sometimes these events can be very devastating, but they are designed to reveal His power in and through us.
Every one of us who pursues a relationship with Jesus has a testimony and that testimony is valid. Whether you have served time in prison or lived a relatively moral life, your story as a follower of Jesus goes something like this: You were once separated from God, the good news of the Gospel found it’s way to you, you wrestled with God a bit and signed up for this Jesus thing. Some people don’t share their story because they’re convinced it’s not “epic enough.” Listen up, because your story is someone’s story and when you share your story you make a connection with others. Each of us has the story of our testimony which defines, shapes, moves and propels us — so share it and never believe your testimony isn’t good enough!
Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel to everyone and use words if necessary.” I love this quote because it’s so profound and I truly believe that he was saying that a living example of the Gospel is more effective than just our words. Sure some may argue with you about interpretation of Scripture or theology, but unless they believe you to be a liar, they can’t argue with your testimony — because it’s your story and you don’t need to be a theologian to share it!
There is nothing more powerful than a miracle testimony and never underestimate what God can do through your testimony. I love the story in the 9th chapter of John when the man born blind was healed on the Sabbath. When he was called before the Pharisees to explain his healing, his response was simple and profound — “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”
Here are some questions for you to think about:
Do others know your testimony? Have you shared it?
Can others see God working in your life?
Does your testimony only consist Bible of knowledge?
Are things happening in your life that can only be explained as God?
God has changed my life in ways I can’t describe and I’m thankful that He cared enough to walk it out with me, which is why I published and tell my story to anyone willing to listen. God wants your testimony to be bold, so you can live unashamed before men, giving all the honor and glory to Him. He wants your life to reveal His power of what He can do in our lives — because He does amazing things for people in all kinds of trouble, who were messed up beyond natural hope.
If God has worked powerfully in your life, please share it so others can benefit.

Heartstone is a journey of destiny, a story of a life turned upside-down for the best possible reason. Step into the story and discover what happens when a broken life has a head on collision with a broken world! [WARNING] This book isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for those who have the courage to face life head on and walk it out with God!
Base Image credit: “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.” By Ben White via Unsplash. Free for commercial use.